Price Change Calculator
Use this calculator to determine price changes, calculate percentage differences, and analyze the variations between different prices.
Price Increase
Percentage Change
Formula Used
The percentage change is calculated using this formula:
Percentage Change = ((New Price - Original Price) / Original Price) × 100
How It Works
The Price Change Calculator helps you understand both the absolute and percentage changes between two prices. Simply enter the original price and the new price, and the calculator will instantly show:
- The absolute price difference (in dollars)
- The percentage change
- Whether it's an increase or decrease
Example Calculations
Price Increase Example
Original Price: $20.00
New Price: $25.00
Price Difference: +$5.00
Percentage Change: +25.00%
Price Decrease Example
Original Price: $100.00
New Price: $75.00
Price Difference: -$25.00
Percentage Change: -25.00%
Common Use Cases
- Analyzing price changes over time
- Calculating the impact of inflation on prices
- Comparing prices between different stores or periods
- Understanding sale discounts and markups
- Budgeting and cost analysis